My dear cat: I will never forget you

This is Bacchus. He is the main reason I started teaching humans how to communicate with animals. He told me many times that he wanted to teach people. He insisted that he did not have much time left on earth. It was urgent to get started with our animal communication courses . "-You have a lot of time, Sissel, I do not," he said.
I thought he only was thinking about the fact that I as a human would probably live a long time, and that he as a cat would naturally have a shorter life span.
He was a young cat when we together led our first course in animal communication! It was a success! He was a smart cat, and he knew more tricks than an average dog. The students were impressed seeing this beautiful cat knowing tricks like sit, cover, roll around, sit teddy bear, snot trick, touch something with the paw… these are just some of the tricks he knew. He loved the attention!
The greatest success was his communication skills. Many of us have been moved to tears by his warm and wise messages. In 2007 I started an animal communication school in Norway. Bacchus was the perfect teacher.
I still get heartfelt feedback from those who had the pleasure of communicating with him on our courses. We are many who will never forget Bacchus!
In hindsight, I also understood why it was urgent for him to start teaching. He probably had an awareness that he was not going to grow old. Suddenly one day he became seriously ill and died at the age of 7. It was May 11. 2008.
Many years have passed since his death. I love Bacchus, and will forever be grateful for everything he taught me and showed me.
Do you want to learn how to communicate with animals? I am holding an online Animal communication course for beginners right now, read more about the course here.
Regards Sissel Grana.
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Bacchus in the snow: